Saturday, October 20, 2007

Moabi Market

Where to invest your money in 2010

The long-term economic outlook remains gloomy, but the market should still advance in the coming year. Here are the best directions in which to aim your portfolio.

[Related content: stocks, funds, economy, stock market, Wal-Mart]
By Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine

If you relish drama, 2009 had it all.

In a cliffhanger, the very visible hand of government helped wrest the U.S. economy from the abyss. After the longest and steepest recession since World War II, initial reports indicated gross domestic product grew 3.5% in the third quarter. Anticipating the end of the downturn, a nearly comatose stock market bottomed on March 9, then soared 60% in just seven months.

What's in store for 2010? Recessions stemming from financial crises tend to be severe and are usually followed by relatively anemic economic recoveries. This time will be no exception, with one of the feeblest recoveries -- maybe 2% to 3% growth in gross domestic product in 2010 -- to follow such a steep decline.

Moreover, Uncle Sam has extended enormous fiscal and monetary stimuli in order to stem the downward spiral. Low interest rates may benefit debtors, but they punish savers. Massive amounts of private-sector indebtedness have been shifted onto the shoulders of government -- and taxpayers. Eventually, the bill will come due.

The stock market rally of 2009 had an artificial feel. It owed more to a sea of liquidity than to an improvement in the nation's basic economic condition. When the Federal Reserve Board loosens monetary policy and short-term interest rates fall to zero, capital flows more quickly to risky assets, such as stocks and junk bonds, than it does to the real economy.

Is a good year ahead?

There may well be a day of reckoning for all the lingering structural imbalances, but we're betting that it won't come in 2010, a midterm election year. Somewhat surprisingly, then, this year may turn out to be a good one for the stock market.

With the Standard & Poor's 500 Index ($INX) selling in early November at about 15 times estimated 2010 earnings, the market's price-earnings ratio is in line with the historical average. Driven by improving earnings in the new year and the prospect of more of the same in 2011, a broad index such as the S&P 500 could return about 10% over the next 12 months. The market's best-known barometer, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ($INDU), could approach 11,000.

David Bianco, the chief market strategist for Merrill Lynch, thinks earnings will be surprisingly strong given expectations of modest GDP growth. A weak dollar benefits many businesses, including resource producers. Industries such as technology, energy and materials now book more than half of their revenues overseas, where economic growth is stronger than at home. "The S&P 500 is beginning to outgrow the U.S.," Bianco says.

Nous avons identifié un marché en Europe des produits alimentaires.

Il s'agit entre autres de l'igname ou yam (Dioscorea spp.), le kwanga (Manihot esculenta), le bitéku téku ou "épinard" (Amaranthus hybridus), le ngai ngai ou bissap ou baguitche (Hibiscus sabdariffa), l'attiéké (Manihot esculenta), le placali (Manihot esculenta), le fumbua ou okasi (Gnetum spp.), la mangue sauvage ou ogbono odika (Irvingia gabonensis), le ndolè ou bitter leaf (Vernonia spp.), le saka saka ou cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta), le veludo (Dialium guineense), le safou atangas (Dacryodes edulis), le cabacera (Adansonia), le pepper soup, un mélange de plusieurs épices et condiments (Xylopia aethiopica, Monodora myristica, etc.) et l'egusi (ex : Cucurbita maxima).

Avec un chiffre d'affaires évalué à 6 milliards de FF en 1997, le Royaume-Uni est le premier marché des aliments ethniques, ce qui confirme nos résultats sur la primauté du marché anglais dans le commerce des PFNL de l'Afrique subsaharienne. En effet, le Royaume-Uni a été le premier pays où s'est développé en Europe le concept d'aliments ethniques traduit de l'expression anglo-saxonne d'ethnic food en Europe, après sa genèse aux Etats Unis et au Canada.

Moabi market est le projet de mettre en contact des entrepreneurs punu ainsi que leurs fournir des informations viables. Si moabi rime avec passé chargé d’histoire et culture aux multiples facettes, Moabi a le mérite d’avoir donne des fils valereux à ce pays. Moabi est un pool agricole important de bananes. Voila pourquoi nous avons choisis moabi comme notre futur marketplace d’investissements. Les principaux buts sont:

  • échange idées et informations.
  • croissance des gains de membres au travers des coopératives.
  • support formation, techniques et marketing.

Ypunia est l'esprit punu des nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communications, internet, mobiles et

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